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In the middle of South Dakota, surrounded by rolling green hills and endless skies, lies the beautiful Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. Students will work alongside Cheyenne River Sioux tribal members and learn about their history, culture, and the challenges they currently face.


This reservation is full of rich stories, beautiful scenery, and diverse culture. But like many Native American reservations, its history is also marred by hardship and injustice — the effects of which can still be felt today. Alcoholism, drugs, unemployment, abuse, and suicide all impact family dynamics and the larger community on a daily basis. 

Our desire is to humbly walk alongside the friendships we have built and faithfully support the local organizations who work day in and day out on the reservation. Although families and individuals on the reservation face many challenges, there is hope. We know that Jesus deeply cares about this community and He is empowering individuals from Cheyenne River to rise up, advocate for their community, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and love the broken. God is there, and God is working.

While every partnership and project looks different, our goal is to meet the tangible, physical needs of people living on Cheyenne River. Usually this involves teams of students working on trailers and homes across the reservation. Even though our primary platform for partnership on Cheyenne River is construction-based, the heart of our ministry is relational. Students will have the chance to spend meaningful time with community members and hopefully leave their trip with a better understanding of the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe.

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